For those who love the cold (or that's what you think until you camp in it) here are five tips for camping in your RV in not so sunny weather. 

1. Prep Your RV for the Cold

There are many all-weather items you can purchase for your RV such as RV skirts, a heated water hose, sealant or RV antifreeze. If you do not already own a generator, this may be a good investment if you plan on camping in extreme weather.

2.  Look for Year-Round Campsites

Make sure to double check with your campsite that they are a true year-round campsite, meaning no amenities are closed seasonally. Now some things like an outdoor pool closure may be unavoidable, but water or power hookups can be pretty important. So make sure you are certain that the campground you pick will have at least the necessities.

3. Watch the Weather

This is especially important if you are going to an area where the weather can change quickly. Even if the cold never bothered you anyway, three feet of snow or three inches of ice might. This can also affect the campground you have chosen. Maybe they are normally fully operational, but with an extreme storm power outages or road closures can be unavoidable. The last thing you want to be is stuck at a campground in the middle of a winter storm with no heat.  

4. Park in a Sunny Area

Scope out your campground online and when you arrive before choosing a campsite (if that is an option). Try to find the area with the least amount of shade and most exposure to sunlight as possible. This will help your camper warm up during the day ASAP. 

5. Pack All the Cold-Weather Essentials

Pack your snow shovels, boots, ice scrapers, and everything else you would need for cold weather. Don't forget layers, layers, layers! Your RV will get cold, pack appropriate clothing to stay warm.  

Are you ready to brave the elements or are you maybe rethinking your plans? Whatever your decision we hope this quick list provided you some helpful information.

Happy Camping,

I-29 RV Supercenter