Hello Campers! Whether you will be hitting the old trick or treating routes or enjoying a night out on the town, take a look at this list for staying safe on Halloween.

Inspect Candy Before you Eat It

Remember to check all treats before consuming whether it is store-bought or homemade. This is especially important if you have young children, while the candy may not be tampered with there could be choking hazards such as gum or hard candy.

Be Aware of Your Surroundings

Even if you are in a familiar area it is good to be aware of your surroundings. If you are going out alone, let someone know where you will be.

Test Your Halloween Makeup on a Smaller Portion of Skin First

It's fun to win the costumes contests, but what is not fun is rashes, acne breakouts, or other forms of reactions. Test all Halloween makeup you do not normally use on a small portion of your skin before applying to the desired area. 

Check if Costumes are Labeled as Flame Resistant

Try to find costumes with flame resistant qualities. If you are making your own costume use flame resistant fabrics such as polyester or nylon. 

Do Not Use Real Candles For Pumpkins

Finally, use flameless candles or glowsticks for your pumpkins and other decorations. This will prevent accidental fires and burns.

We hope these tips help you have a safe and fun holiday!

Happy Camping,

I-29 RV Supercenter