Looking forward to your first adventure in your new boat? Check out these life jacket safety reminders below before you hit the water!

🚤 Check to see what water activity your life jacket was designed for: Not all life jackets are created equal, because not all water activities endure the same conditions. Make sure the life jacket you have selected is appropriate for the water activity you and/or family will be doing!

🚤 Make sure your life jacket snuggly fits around the openings: It is very important that your life jacket fits you properly especially around the opening areas. This will prevent the life jacket from sliding off you in an emergency. 

🚤 Make sure the life jacket is in good condition: Just like anything lifejackets are affected by normal wear and tear. Check your life jacket for holes or tears that could prevent the device from keeping you afloat. Also check that any buckles or zippers still work correctly, otherwise you may find the life jacket unable to stay on in an emergency. 

🚤 Make sure children have an appropriate fitting life jacket: it is especially important for children to have the proper fitting life jacket. Do not give children adult life jackets, there are many options for child-sized life jackets. Do not buy a life jacket for a child to "grow into". If the life jacket does not fit properly snug than it is too big for the child and could lead to injury in an emergency.